Range Search


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G.A. Ricambi from Italy and SOOSAN HEAVY INDUSTRIES from South Korea.

A great cooperation that coming from an Official Distribution.




Model Weight Suitable Excavators
SB10II TS-P 102 kg 0.8 ~ 2.5 ton
SB20II TS-P 126 kg 1.2 ~ 3.0 ton
SB30II TS-P 152 kg 2.5 ~ 4.5 ton
SB35II TS-P 224 kg 3.0 ~ 5.5 ton
SB40II TS-P 295 kg 4.0 ~ 7.0 ton
SB43II TS-P 375 kg 6.0 ~ 9.0 ton
SB45 TS-P 571 kg 7.0 ~ 14 ton
SB50 TS-P 861 kg 11 ~ 16 ton
SB60 TS-P 1297 kg 15 ~ 18 ton
SB70 TS-P 1500 kg 16 ~ 21 ton
SB81 TS-P 1766 kg 18 ~ 26 ton
SB100 TS-P 2071 kg 25 ~ 30 ton
SB121 TS-P 2632 kg 28 ~ 35 ton
SB130 TS-P 2833 kg 30 ~ 45 ton
SB140 TS-P 3090 kg 36 ~ 42 ton
SB151 TS-P 3991 kg 40 ~ 55 ton
SB Line TR-F Series

SB Line TS-P Series

ET Line TR-F Series

SQ Line Silenced Series

…  …  …

The best offer and range on the market, but the models are many!

On the left an example of the SB Line TS-P Series’ range.

The best selling series.




Crusher & Processor Multi function: crusher and processor will offer full production capacity without you need a dedicated tools for every demolition job.

SOOSAN use various interchangeable jaw sets.


Hydraulic Pulverizer Posher Perfect tools for secondary demolition and recycling of concrete.


Demolition Grab Suitable for multi purpose work such as demolition, sorting, loading/unloading, screening, excavation …


Mini Crusher For all kind of work that need particular small equipment.



Cranes & Drill


Of course G.A. Ricambi can offer you the complete range of SOOSAN like Cranes and Drill.

Two section of SOOSAN that continuously growing.






Machine breakdown?

Ask for G.A. Express Service


Il fermo macchina è uno dei costi improvvisi più complessi e onerosi del nostro settore in quanto porta ad un arresto forzato della produzione con conseguente perdita di tempo e denaro.

G.A. Ricambi comprende perfettamente quanto sia importante aiutare il cliente in difficoltà, in modo rapido e professionale, soprattutto quando si parla di emergenza e ha studiato un nuovo servizio: G.A. Express Service.


Questo progetto, garantisce la spedizione in giornata per ordini ricevuti entro le ore 14.00.

Usufruire di G.A. Express Service è semplice: scegli l’apposita opzione sul nostro e-commerce e se ancora non lo conosci affrettati a richiedere le credenziali.

Il sevizio è disponibile per spedizioni superiori a 150€ e prevede un costo pari al 10% del valore dei ricambi acquistati.


Non perdere tempo, non perdere denaro, vieni da noi e sfrutta tutti i vantaggi del G.A. Express Service!






Electrical and starting system

Being the heart of the machine’s electrical system, the Starting Motor and the Alternator are the elements that turn on the engine and that convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy.

G.A. Ricambi cares about it and for this reason it supplies only high quality spare parts from the main manufacturers in the market:

Delco Remy®, Prestolite®, Bosch®, Denso®, Nikko®, Valeo®.


It is easy to discover what you need with the label information only.

Starter Motor Alternator


Our brands for Earthmoving

Our brands for Truck





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